Thursday, 30 January 2014
Lone Survivor
Wednesday, 29 January 2014
Let It Go Lyrics In 25 languages
Out of curiosity, I tried to compile the lyrics myself. But during the search, I come across Rebecca Green's YouTube video which contain the complete, and, as far as my instinct tells me, precisely enough, lyrics. So, being the lazy boy I am, I decided to just copy the lyrics here, and hope that she didn't mind ._.
"Let It Go" from Disney's Frozen
Ari no mama no
Sugata miseru no yo
Latin American Spanish
Libre soy, libre soy
Libertad sin vuelta atrás
Wszystkim wbrew, na ten gest mnie stać!
Jöjjön száz orkán
És közben a szívemen ül a jég
Castilian Spanish
Desde la distancia que pequeño todo es
I les pors que em dominaven
Per sempre han fugit
Non è un diffeto è una virtù
E non la fermerò mai più
내 마음대로 자유롭게 살래
Nae ma-eumdaelo jayulobge sallae
Sad je kraj, sad je kraj
Na krilima vetra sam
誰亦要 全心脏 忘掉就天比高
Shuí yì yào quán xīnzàng
Wàngdiào jiù tiān bǐ gāo
Estou aqui, e vou ficar
Venha a tempestade
Bahasa Malaysia
Kuasaku buat hidup bercelaru
Подвластны мне мороз и лёд, ну что за дивный дар
Podvlastny mne moroz i lёd,
Nu čto za divnyj dar
Og som krystaller står en tanke ganske klar
Ще спра да бъда аз на миналото в плен
Shte spra da bada az na minaloto v plen
La den gå, la den gå
Jeg skal stige lik solen nå
ปล่อยออกมา เลิกซ่อนเร้น
เด็กดี ไม่เห็นมีค่า
Pl̀xy xxk mā leik s̀xn rên
Dĕk dī mị̀ h̄ĕn mī kh̀ā
Canadian French
Je suis là,
Comme je l'ai rêvé
En de storm raast door
De vriekou daar zat ik toch lang niet mee
All rights belong to Disney Enterprises Inc.
No copyright infringement is intended.
After another browsing session, I come across this post, and decided to copy it here too.
The ultimate English Let it go version is…
English: The snow glows white on the mountain tonight, not a footprint to be seen.
French: The kingdom of loneliness, my place will always be here
German: The wind, it howls like the storm deep inside me
Dutch: It became to much for me, no matter how hard I tried
Mandarin: Don’t let them come, (don’t let them) see. Be the good girl, just like how you used to be.
Swedish: Don’t show anything whatever you do… Everything is ruined!
Japanese: The true self, (I will) show (it)
Latin American Spanish: I am free, I am free… freedom without having to return!
Polish: Everyone against, this gesture I can afford (to give)!
Hungarian: Come hundreds of windstorms! And meanwhile my heart is wrapped in ice.
Castilian Spanish: From the distance, how small everything is.
Catalan: and the fears that have dominated me, have gone away forever
Italian: It’s not a defect, it’s a virtue and I’ll never stop it again
Korean: I would live freely, to my heart’s content!
Serbian: Now it ends, now it ends, I’m on the wings of wind
Cantonese: Whoever, regardless, also desires to say with all the heart. Forget the strains of yesterday, the sorrowful songs!
Portuguese: I am here, and I’m staying! Come the storm!
Malay: My powers make my life chaotic.
Russian: I have power over the frost, ice, what a marvelous gift!
Danish: And like crystals, a thought stands clear.
Bulgarian: I will stop being, a captive to the past!
Norwegian: Let it go, let it go, I will rise like the sun now.
Thai: Let it out, don’t hide! There’s nothing worth about being a good child.
Canadian French: I’m here as I have dreamed of!
Flemish: And the storm rages on! The freezing cold is already there, and I don’t care about it anyway.
Tuesday, 28 January 2014
Just consider this a title
Monday, 27 January 2014
Sekolah Gratis
Sunday, 26 January 2014
Frozen, A Review
Saturday, 25 January 2014
Friday, 24 January 2014
Thursday, 23 January 2014
Goodbye My Friend..
I know that, according to Islamic Law and logic, I should just pretend there's nothing and still be good towards him. I know and I've tried to do just that for the past week. But when there's no response from him, as if he considers that I don't even exist, Well, I don't think I'm strong enough to face, to suffer, the heartache. So this is it. Good bye, my friend.
May God forgives you...
Wednesday, 22 January 2014
Pendukung kuat teori Darwin berkeras bahwa seluruh makhluk hidup yang ada sekarang merupakan hasil evolusi alias perubahan bentuk dari spesies-spesies yang lalu, termasuk manusia dianggap berasal dari kera. Akan tetapi banyak juga yang menentang teori itu, dengan alasan: 'kalau begitu, Nabi Adam itu kera dong?'.
Walaupun saya juga tidak berpendapat bahwa Nabi Adam adalah keturunan kera, saya juga tidak sepenuhnya menolak teori evolusi. Bagaimana dengan mereka yang bilang bahwa Tuhan pastilah sudah menciptakan segala sesuatu langsung seperti itu, sehingga tak perlu mempelajari evolusi?
Well, saya juga tidak bisa setuju dengan pendapat itu. Memang benar, Tuhan Maha Pencipta. Akan tetapi Sang Maha Pencipta pun tentu memiliki cara kerja. Nah, evolusi ini lah yang saya anggap sebagai cara kerja YMK.
Tuesday, 21 January 2014
Face It!
Well, di satu sisi, copas memang buruk untuk dilakukan. Dengan copas siswa jadi malas untuk berfikir atau mengerjakan PR yang harusnya dikerjakan sendiri. Tapi di sisi lain, kadang-kadang jika tidak copas maka tugas akan terlalu lama selesai hingga menumpuk. Selain itu, format tugas yang diberikan guru juga sering kurang kreatif. Hal ini menggoda murid untuk langsung mengerjakan dengan copas. Lalu kalau begitu, siapa
sebenarnya yang salah?
Jujur saja, menurut pribadi saya, yang salah adalah sistem pendidikan di Indonesia, yang lebih menekankan pada hasil dari proses, sistem yang kurang memberi ruang untuk kreativitas. Kenapa saya bilang begitu? Karena dari yang saya alami, sebagian besar pembelajaran di Indonesia hanya memberi 'rumus jadi'. Sedikit sekali guru yang bersedia menjelaskan proses rumus itu. Dan hampir semua guru yang bersifat sepperti itu, juga merangkap sebagai guru 'Thok'. Maksudnya, guru tipe ini hanya menerima satu rumus, yaitu rumus yang mereka berikan. Tidak jarang mereka menyalahkan siswa hanya karena rumus yang digunakan bukan rumus yang mereka ajarkan, walaupun hasil dan rumus itu benar, hanya dari cara yang berbeda.
Bandingkan dengan sistem luar negeri. Dari yang saya dengar, guru-guru disana justru senang dengan murid yang mengkritik mereka.
Jadi, apa solusinya? Bagi saya yang pasti solusinya bukan hanya mengganti kurikulum, akan tetapi harus dimulai dari guru terlebih dahulu. Seorang petani terlatih menggunakan peralatan kuno tentu akan lebih banyak panen dibanding petani pemula yang menggunakan alkat canggih, bukan?
Sunday, 19 January 2014
Saturday, 18 January 2014
To the point aja, saya orangnya amat sangat moody. Kalau saya sedang mengerjakan sesuatu, dan lalu saya diganggu hingga perasaan tak enak, maka yang saya kerjakan (dan biasanya, yang akan saya kerjakan) akan terganggu.
Contohnya saja malam ini, saya sudah punya rencana untuk menulis mengenai salah satu alasan saya untuk kembali membuka twitter dan facebook mendekati ujian setelah hampir berbulan-bulan tidak membukanya. Tapi yah, namanya orang moody, begitu terganggu, mood langsung hilang. Untung masih bisa nulis post ini sehingga target pribadi mem-post sesuatu di blog ini tidak terganggu.
Sudah, segitu saja kali ini. Saya ingin mojok bergalau ria dulu. Adios.
Ps: Mum, if you read this, I was angry not because you remind me of The Exam (although it was part of the reason), but because you disturbed me from writing a post. Sorry if you're disappointed.
Love, your son.
Friday, 17 January 2014
Just a King
But then the time comes. Oh, how he wished he hadn't gone with his siblings to hunt The White Stag!
And so, for one year, The Just King found himself being just a boy. No one asked him to lead anymore. No disputes for him to resolve. Even now he wonders, how can he cope with that?
But his faith remained. And he was repaid. He found himself back to his country again, and for a moment, he felt utter joy.
...only to be crushed when he found his beloved Castle in ruins. And his people! No Talking Animals, no Dryads, no Naiads. Or so he thought.
Meeting the Telmarine Prince, he couldn't help but thought, What in the Worlds was He thinking?. Because he remembered, with such clarity, how Telmarines was in his time. (And still is, if what he heard were true)
But gradually, he began to see the Prince in new lights. And so, he didn't question Him when the Prince was crowned. With the knowledge of his people's fate is in good hands, he copes a little bit better when he was returned as a mere boy for another year.
The next time he was called, he really didn't expect his cousin to come too. After all, how could such a bratty, arrogant, totally insufferable boy like him enters Narnia while Her High King couldn't?
But after his cousin became The Un-Dragoned, he thinks that maybe, just maybe, his cousin isn't bad at all.
When they reached The End of The World, he become devastated. Surely, The Lion was not serious when He told him that he can't go back? He belongs here!
But years passed and he was not called anymore. Not even when his cousin went There once more.
Just when he thought he couldn't bear it anymore, he got an invitation. Not from Him, but it still made him fairly happy.
And when the apparition appeared, he was even more delighted. Finally! he thought. And so, he happily went to fetch another way to go There.
What happened after he boarded the train was a blur. He vaguely recalled seeing the station just around the corner when he was pulled. And when he found himself in a hill, surrounded by his siblings and friends, he finally felt truly happy.
Because now he's Just a King.
Thursday, 16 January 2014
Not because my decisions were usually bad, but because the time it took for me to reach a decision.
In fact, most of my times are used to contemplate between choices. Whether to do this or that, Which subject should i study tonight, which homework should I do first, and so many other things.
This is, I'm aware, a bad habit. One that I needed to let go in order to be better. But unfortunately, sometimes it's still there. That little voice in the back of my head, asking, did I made the right decision?
Other times, I forced my self to choose something quickly, and while sometimes it works, most time just made me wonder, did I really choose it, or is it a careless choice?
Well, wherever it is, I have faith that The Most Loving God will help my decisions. Including my tonight's decision of sleep early.
Until next time.
Wednesday, 15 January 2014
Eyes dropping every 3 minutes.
Still, I have to
Even if I don't know what I'm currently writing
So what??
The important thing is that I wrote
Perhaps someone would read this and laugh
Perhaps others would pen this page, even if they did so just because they clicked at the wrong link
No matter
This shall be a writing to remember
Because what kind of writing is this post really?
I'd say it's rambling, but even I'm not that sure.
All I can say is.....BED!!!
Au revoir.
Tuesday, 14 January 2014
The Impossible, A Review
Monday, 13 January 2014
Sunday, 12 January 2014
Billy Elliot the Musical Soundtrack

Great opening song. Totally illustrates the solemn atmosphere of the miners in 80s UK.
Catchy song. Perfectly showing Mrs. Wilkinson's snarky attitude. The big words used for the rhymes are nicely chosen.
What is it with cool old women? Grandma is totally a unique woman. Married to a, using her words, 'complete bastard' for 33 years. As old as she is though, she's still very energetic. And this song showed it perfectly.
The longest song in the album, it consists of the energetic hard singing of the miners and the police and the soft peaceful singing of the girls in Mrs. Wilkinson's class. For 9 minutes, this song beautifully intersperses the violent conflict between the striking miners and the police against the peaceful nature of the ballet class. Not to mention the catchy tune of the chorus: solidarity, solidarity, solidarity forever!
Sung by Billy and his cross-dressing friend, Michael, I can easily imagine two boys fooling around. And even without the video, the tap sequence ran very smoothly. Totally love it.
A song sung by a son and his mum, this is a letter written by Billy's deceased mum to him. In it were her last advices and let me tell you, listening to this song always had me in tears. The mellow melody, the lyric, all of it screamed of the love of a boy and his long gone mum. A must hear of you still love your mother.
Not my favourite song, but still amazingly catchy.
Failed to go to the Royal Ballet School audition, young Billy goes into a rage. Very creatively, Sir Elton John managed to turn a rage into a very energetic tap dance. Accompanied by Billy's angry shouts and a few backing vocal of the miners, this song always made me wanted to jump around, mimicking the tap melody. A very extraordinarily great song!
9. Merry Christmas Maggie Thatcher
Showing the deep hatred that the miners felt toward prime minister Margaret Thatcher, this happy sounding song is actually about what the miners were actually celebrating-a day 'closer to your death'. Very catchy, nice song.
A mellow song sung by Billy's father, this sad song was sung from the tired soul of a single father. The guitar melody is very great, and Billy's saying to his dad at the end of the song was very heartful. Amazing song.
A duet between Billy's dad and his older brother, this song shows just how desperate Billy's father about his son's future. After one year-long strike, Mr Elliot returns to work to collect money needed for Billy's audition. Love the seriousness and how it was beautifully implied that the miners really cared for each other.
The star song in the musical, this song is a response from Billy when he was asked what did he feel when he dance. Starting with slow song at the beginning, it suddenly exploded into a very energetic instrumental section. My favourite part is, surprisingly, Billy's accent. Don't ask me why, but the Geordie accent in this song was perfect. Totally adore it!
This solemn song was sung by the miners, unhappily returning to work after their strike was lost. But as the lyrics said, the battle was lost, the war was not. Although defeated, the miners are still very proud. And somehow, Sir Elton John composed a score that gives me the exact feeling the lyrics tells. Great song, totally great indeed.
If The Letter had me in tears, this song totally broke my heart. Especially when Billy said goodbye to Mrs. Wilkinson and Michael. And Michael's last reply.... No words, just this emoticon D':
Mostly tap dance, the choir at the end is a great conclusion, one which I used in my last posting, and one I'll shamelessly use again here:
What the hell is wrong,
With expressing yourself?
What we need is in-div-id-ual-ity!
Friday, 10 January 2014
Billy Elliot the Musical
What the hell is wrong,
With expressing yourself?
What we need is in-div-id-ual-ity!
Thursday, 9 January 2014
Wednesday, 8 January 2014
Oh no!
Monday, 6 January 2014
Sunday, 5 January 2014
Who Cares?
Tidak peduli apakah orang lain menyukai isi tulisan kita atau tidak, tidak peduli juga ada yang baca atau tidak, yang penting terus berkarya B)
Seperti kemarin, hari ini saya masih sibuk memberes-bereskan FaceBook yang sudah hampir 2 tahun tidak pernah saya buka-buka. Dan ternyata, entah darimana saya terkenalnya, dari 400an friend request yang masuk, sebagian besar dari fans-fans Idola Cilik atau Coboy Jr. Bahkan, dari tadi hanya sekitar 5 orang yang memang saya kenal. Jadi dengan senangnya saya berkali-kali meng-klik tombol 'Hapus'.
Jadi sekarang, tanpa banyak-banyak buang waktu, saya kembali menghapus friend request. So long.
PS: Judul postingan kali ini terinspirasi dari ucapan adik saya yang juga sedang mengetik isi blog. Check out her blog !!
Saturday, 4 January 2014
Maaf kalau pendek dan tidak nyambung. Saya menulis sambil mengantuk, tapi harus menulis karena janji pada diri sendiri. MERDEKAA!! (?)
Coming Back (Again)
2 Years.
It's been 2 years since I last post something in this blog.
2 years since I wrote something worth publishing (for me, that is).
2 years since I last done my self-appointed goal, which was to write 1 page a day.
So, why did I decided to start writing again?
The answer to that question is, I believe, Dominic Holland.
A somewhat successful writer, comedian, and father, Holland, nicknamed Dom, had tried to get into Hollywood for several years-only to be preceded by his son. And instead of being bitter toward his son, Dom, as I would be if I were in his position, became an extremely proud father. In fact, he has even written a book about his relationship with his son!
Anyway, after 2 days of reading his posts on his own website, I become inspired to keep writing, no matter what happens. Even if my writing doesn't got enough, if there's any, attention, I feel like I should keep writing, at least just for the fun of it.
So that's why I'm now determined to continue writing. Hopefully, I won't stop writing for a long time. Again.