So tonight, I'd like to repay that horrid review with a post of interesting moral values I learned from the movie.
1. True Love's Kiss is not always the answer (and neither is lovers' love)
Unlike many of it's predecessor, Frozen's solution to it's climax does not include the so-called 'True Love's Kiss'. Instead, the movie shows us that a True Love doesn't necessarily means we have to have a boyfriend/girlfriend. A True Love, according to this movie, can also be between siblings. In fact, it seems to be more powerful, since (SPOILER) everyone thought that Anna can only be saved by True Love's Kiss before she's frozen completely, and that she won't be able to be un-frozen once she's frozen completely. However, her love for Elsa can thaw her even after she was frozen completely (END SPOILER).2. You can't marry someone you just met
Well, see where it got her into.
3. Shutting out people is not the answer
One of the main conflict in the movie is the Eternal Winter cast accidentally by Queen Elsa. The winter was a product of pent-up power inside Elsa, the very same powers she had hidden for years for fear hurting anyone again. However, instead of learning how to control it, she shut it and locked herself inside her room. Now imagine, if instead of locking up and refusing to face her fears, Elsa actually tried to learn her powers, maybe the Eternal Winter would never happen.And finally,
4. Let the storm rage on!
After exiling herself, Elsa decided to 'Let It Go'. And boy, did she do it wonderfully! Her ice palace is practically a masterpiece. And to imagine how she made it so easily. Long story short, the point is don't held yourself from doing what you excel at. Just Let the storm rage on!FIN
thank you for your's helping me in my oral presentation..tq :)
Thank you for your *INTERSTING MORAL VALUES*...but i need a little bit more..and i appreciate you post.thanks once again
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